Try this one:
"Don't cry at the beginning of a date." "Cry at the end, like I do."
On Netflix:
The Secrets - After the Jewish Film Festival every year I put films on my Netflix list that I didn't get to see and looked interesting. This is one I missed. The film is in both Hebrew and French, so subtitles allow you to follow. It is the story of three women, Naomi a brilliant scholar, Michelle, a rebellious sort and a sickly FrenchwomanAnouk. All meet in the city of Safed . The girls are attending an all female seminary and they meet the Frenchwoman when they are assigned to bring her food. The story is actually two parts; part one involves the girls helping Anouk in unusual ways and the second part is the relationship between the two students. It was surprising and Sy , who didn't really want to watch the movie, was totally engaged. You don't have to be Jewish to enjoy this film. Highly recommended.
Smithsonian Lecture:
Irving Berlin - The last lecture of famous modern composers was this past week at the Smithsonian. As usual it was wonderful. Dr. Wyatt did a marvelous job depicting the life of Irving Berlin. It was difficult not to sing along to the many tunes he wrote, although the women in front of me had an issue with that! Dr. Wyatt is lecturing on Elivs Presley on March 30. I am so disappointed as it is the second night of Passover and I don't think my family would understand if I chose the lecture over the seder. That being said, if you like music, want to learn a bit more about a composer, performer go on to the Smithsonianwebsite and get tickets for any lecture this gentlemen gives; you won't be disappointed!!
Regional Theater: Theater J Washington DC
Lost in Yonkers - Running through the end of November this Neil Simon play is a compelling story of a family who are forced to live together. It is one of Simon's more serious plays which earned him the Pulitzer Prize. The story is thought provoking and will make you laugh as well as bring a tear to your eye. The actress playingBella is wonderful. Although I thought the two young cast members were quite good, my friend Bill who was also in attendance, and with a director's eye, thought the younger boy overacted a bit. I did think the father, who has a minor role, was miscast. He is supposed to be a New York Jew and sounded Irish to me. My friends thought the uncle looked more Italian than German Jew. As you can see we are all critics. That being said, it is well worth your time and money to go see this production. TheDupont Circle area where Theater J is located is a great place to walk around and there are great restaurants in the surrounding area. In addition, if you go on a Sunday afternoon and get there thirty minutes before the production and they still have tickets, you can get them for half price. You can call the box office in the morning to find out about ticket availability. Support the arts, see this production.
DWTS Update:
Fortunately I was not home for the result show as I probably would have thrown my shoe at the TV. I couldn't believe when I read online that Natalie the swimmer was eliminated. What are these people thinking!!! The football player and the snowboarder are poorer dancers than she. In fact, I had her pegged for the final five. I can't complain really as I don't vote, but this is nuts!!
This coming week we will be attending the Reston Community Players version of "Curtains." Look for my review next week. Also a new program called "White Collar" is on the USA network on Friday nights at 10. I have itDVRed and haven't watched it yet, but the previews looked promising. Will give you my take next week. In the meantime, enjoy the arts!