Yolanda was the only one to correctly identify "To be on the wire is life. The rest is waiting." coming from All That Jazz.
Try this:
"He knew the risks. He didn't have to be there. It rains, you get wet."
On Netflix:
The Town - When this film first came out, I wanted to see it, but somehow never got the chance. I am glad to have finally seen it on Netflix. A word of caution, it is a bit violent, but the violence is very much part of the story. Ben Affleck and Jemery Renner ( from the Hurt Locker) play two members of a robbery gang in Boston. Their relationship and Affleck's relationship with a woman from a robbery form the core of this movie. Jon Hamm of "Mad Men" costars as the FBI agent hunting them down. It reminded me of the movies made by DeNiro and Pacino in the 80's. The cast puts on a thick Boston accent so I put on the subtitles as not to miss the dialogue.

Just Wright - As many of you know, I love black comedies (not dark, but African American) Sy truly believes I was black in my former life. Anyhow, this is one. It stars Queen Latiah and Common (I assume he was a rapper and this is his stage name). The story is the same as any other romantic comedy; girl is attracted to boy; he likes the wrong girl, but in the end they come together. The difference in this film is that there is a lot of basketball scenes. The shots are super and it adds a little difference to the film. Not a great movie, but one that is enjoyable.

Instant Streaming and Netflix:
Dear John - This film is based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks and follows his usual pattern of love gone wrong. The first hour was like watching paint dry and I actually watched it in two parts. The last 45 minutes were better. Amanda Seyfried (she seems to be everywhere) and Channing Tatum were the leads and love interest. The story follows: boy meets girl, boy loses girl (interesting twist why) and although they get together, not quite sure how. Do I sound confused, maybe; but do I care; no!.

Tonight is the SAG awards. I believe they will be following suit with the Golden Globes and there will be no surprises. A note on the Academy Award nominations; although they included many of my choices, I do believe that Justin Timberlake deserved to be nominated for some of these awards for his work in The Social Network. I don't think he should have won, but be nominated. In my opinion he was a better choice for supporting than Mark Ruffalo. Another snub was Ryan Gosling from Blue Valentine; but the best actor category is so chock filled with fine actors; there was no room for him. I did not see James Franco or Javier Bardem so I can't compare.
Try this:
"He knew the risks. He didn't have to be there. It rains, you get wet."
On Netflix:
The Town - When this film first came out, I wanted to see it, but somehow never got the chance. I am glad to have finally seen it on Netflix. A word of caution, it is a bit violent, but the violence is very much part of the story. Ben Affleck and Jemery Renner ( from the Hurt Locker) play two members of a robbery gang in Boston. Their relationship and Affleck's relationship with a woman from a robbery form the core of this movie. Jon Hamm of "Mad Men" costars as the FBI agent hunting them down. It reminded me of the movies made by DeNiro and Pacino in the 80's. The cast puts on a thick Boston accent so I put on the subtitles as not to miss the dialogue.
Just Wright - As many of you know, I love black comedies (not dark, but African American) Sy truly believes I was black in my former life. Anyhow, this is one. It stars Queen Latiah and Common (I assume he was a rapper and this is his stage name). The story is the same as any other romantic comedy; girl is attracted to boy; he likes the wrong girl, but in the end they come together. The difference in this film is that there is a lot of basketball scenes. The shots are super and it adds a little difference to the film. Not a great movie, but one that is enjoyable.
Instant Streaming and Netflix:
Dear John - This film is based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks and follows his usual pattern of love gone wrong. The first hour was like watching paint dry and I actually watched it in two parts. The last 45 minutes were better. Amanda Seyfried (she seems to be everywhere) and Channing Tatum were the leads and love interest. The story follows: boy meets girl, boy loses girl (interesting twist why) and although they get together, not quite sure how. Do I sound confused, maybe; but do I care; no!.
Tonight is the SAG awards. I believe they will be following suit with the Golden Globes and there will be no surprises. A note on the Academy Award nominations; although they included many of my choices, I do believe that Justin Timberlake deserved to be nominated for some of these awards for his work in The Social Network. I don't think he should have won, but be nominated. In my opinion he was a better choice for supporting than Mark Ruffalo. Another snub was Ryan Gosling from Blue Valentine; but the best actor category is so chock filled with fine actors; there was no room for him. I did not see James Franco or Javier Bardem so I can't compare.