Try this one:
"I run a couple of newspapers. What do you do?"
A note about the Reduced Shakespeare Company and the History of Sports show - Yolanda told me that they will be at the Reston Community Center this spring. The price for Reston residents and those who work in Reston is $15. You can call the center for a catalog or stop by and get one and see all the offerings they have.
On Netflix:
The Switch - This is another in the never ending romantic comedies that have come out this past year. It stars Jennifer Aniston as the 30 something with a biological clock that is ticking away and Jason Bateman as her neurotic best friend. The real star of the film is the little boy who plays Sebastian, Thomas Robinson. Needless to say there is a mix up and things progress from there. I did find it a pleasant way to spend one of these horrible days of July. For a movie that will not offend, unless you don't believe in sperm donors, this is a fine movie to watch.
Invincible - Thursday was the last day of my Oscar losers class. The instructor decided to show this film simply because he liked it. It is the true story of Vince Papele who became a player for Philadelphia Eagles. Although the film depicts his coming on the team through an open audition, this was not the real case. He was playing for a minor type league and was asked to try out, but an open audition makes for a better movie. It follows the familiar formula about athletes overcoming odds to become successful. Mark Wahlberg stars as Papele, Greg Kinnear as coach Dick Vermeil and Elizabeth Banks is the love interest. I like these feel good movies and it certainly was a good way to spend a very hot afternoon. An interesting tidbit: someone in the class said the Greg Kinnear went to Lake Anne ES in Reston.
Streaming and Netflex discs:
All Good Things - This film based on the mystery surrounding real estate heir Robert Durst and his missing wife is best left unwatched. Although Ryan Gosling, Kristen Dunst and Frank Langella do fine jobs with their roles, the story which started off interesting and engaging went from bad to worse. I looked it up to see if it was a true story as I found some parts hard to believe and it is. Do yourself a favor and read a good book instead.
Some movies that are scheduled to be released in the next few weeks look promising. In particular Sarah's Key, which will be in limited distribution, and The Help are on my must see list!
I have had a change of heart regarding Netflix and the price hike. After realizing that my bill will go up only $6.00, I decided to keep it as it is. After all, a movie ticket for a first run film is more than that during the afternoon hours!