I have decided to list all the people who correctly identify the quote from now on. This way those of you who have limited access to your computers will be acknowledged as well. This time Florrie, Wendy, and Yolanda correctly identified "I don't think I've ever drunk champagne before breakfast before. "With breakfast on several occasions, but never before, before." coming from the lovely Audrey Hepburn movie Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Both Florrie and David sent it quotes for me to use. I will save one for next time and use the other today. Here it is a quote to follow up on the Ten Commandments quote:
"Mose supposes his toses are Roses." "But Moses supposes erroneously."
You know you've had enough winter when you see this:

I have had a good time watching films on my computer to wile away the time as the snow melts. If you venture out, be safe, but continue to enjoy the movies.
Both Florrie and David sent it quotes for me to use. I will save one for next time and use the other today. Here it is a quote to follow up on the Ten Commandments quote:
"Mose supposes his toses are Roses." "But Moses supposes erroneously."
On Netflix and Instantly on your computer
Sunshine Cleaning - This indie black comedy stars Amy Adams, Emily Blunt and Alan Arkin. As a frustrated maid the Amy Adams character Rose starts a business removing biohazard materials and cleaning homes of crime scenes with her sister. It is more about the relationship between the sisters, the baggage they both carry and how their lives evolve. When it first premiered it was advertised as the next Little Miss Sunshine, but the critics didn't like it as much. I thought it was engrossing and a fine movie.

Sunshine Cleaning - This indie black comedy stars Amy Adams, Emily Blunt and Alan Arkin. As a frustrated maid the Amy Adams character Rose starts a business removing biohazard materials and cleaning homes of crime scenes with her sister. It is more about the relationship between the sisters, the baggage they both carry and how their lives evolve. When it first premiered it was advertised as the next Little Miss Sunshine, but the critics didn't like it as much. I thought it was engrossing and a fine movie.
Confessions of a Shopaholic – This light-hearted chick flick based on the best selling series of Shopaholic books by Sohpie Kensella stars Isla Fisher as a young woman whose shopping gets her into horrible debt. She secures a job with a money magazine and the unrealistic plot goes from there with a handsome boss, beautiful competitor and unlikeable villain.
Wall-E – This Oscar winning animated film was slow to start, but once Eve comes into the film and they leave earth, the movie takes off. It is about taking care of our planet, friendship and love. I am not sure it is engaging enough for kids, but as adults if you stick in there it is a lovely movie. 

For those of you who do not live on the east coast, I wanted you all to know how we now feel about the record breaking snowstorm we've received:
I have had a good time watching films on my computer to wile away the time as the snow melts. If you venture out, be safe, but continue to enjoy the movies.
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