Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August 2

David, Carol Frank and Florrie were correct in identifying "I own a couple of newspapers. What do you do?" coming from Citizen Kane.

Try this one:

"You know something." You read too many comic books."

At Theaters:

Friends With Benefits
- I didn't expect to like this film especially after seeing the previews of the movies shown before the film thinking it was going to be as stupid as the films on preview, but I was mistaken. The story, although predictable, was very sweet. I am not giving the story away by telling you it is about two people, Dylan and Jamie, who hook up simply to hook up . As the story unfolds, you can guess the ending. I must say that the two leads
Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis have chemistry. Justin Timberlake as Dylan has tuned into a good actor. Patricia Clarkson as Kunis' mother, Woody Harrelson as Dylan's practical confidante and Richard Jenkins as his father are great additions to the cast. I was surprised that I liked it so much. :-):-)

Netflix and perhaps repeated on HBO:

Temple Grandin
- This HBO movie won loads of Emmy awards last year and rightly so. It is the wonderful, true story of Temple Grandin. Temple has autism and with the help of her parents and simple fortitude, she overcomes her disability to not only earn an undergraduate degree and masters in animal husbandry, but teaches and lectures on both these subjects. She is not cured, but has learned to deal with society on their and her terms. It is a great look into the mind of someone who has this disability and how they think. Do yourself a favor and put this DVD on your Netflix list.

Netfix and Instant Streaming:

Jack Goes Boating
- This indie film starring and directed by Philip Seymour Hoffman is a lovely story about loneliness and how two souls come together. There is a secondary story about the unraveling of a relationship as well. Hoffman is the only recognizable character; but the entire cast is well suited for their roles. Hoffman is such a versatile actor. It is a short film; just over 90 minutes and one that leaves you with hope.

Wild Target - This black English comedy is delightful. It stars Bill Nighy, Emily Blunt and Rupert Grint. (Ron of the Harry Potter movies.) The plot revolves around a hit man,
Nighy, who cannot kill his latest target, Blunt. Through a series of circumstances, Rupert becomes his apprentice. It is quite comical although implausible. Eileen Atkins who plays Nighy's mother is a hoot. A fun movie! :-):-)

Although the pickings are slim this week at the movies, hang in there as some blockbusters are just around the corner.


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