Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6

Carol Frank correctly identified "Well I wouldn't kick Mick Jagger out of my bed, but, uh, I'm not a homosexual, no.from Hair.

Try this one courtesy of Sy:

"The vision to see the treasured past comes as the timely shadow crosses in front of the house of Pass and Stow."

In Theaters:

The Help - As one of the many fans of this book, I anxiously awaited the film and can say I was not disappointed. Although some things were slightly changed, the main focus of the book remained. Viola Davis and Octavia Spenser as Abilene and Minnie do a great job and Emma Stone as Skeeter is just adorable. As Hilly Holbrook, Bryce Dallas Howard does a fine job making us dislike her character, but Sissy Spacek as Hilly's mom is a hoot and Jessica Chastain as Celia Foote steals the show. It is beautifully shot and Jackson, Mississippi never looked so good. This is not a chick flick as I went we two other couples and all the guys liked the movie as well.

On Netflix:

Welcome to the Rileys - This film starring James Gandolfini, Melissa Leo and Kristen Steward tells the story of a family devastated by their daughter's death eight years ago, Doug (James Gandolfini) finds solace in other women until he connects with a teen call girl girl Mallory (Kristen Stewart) You won't recognize Melissa Leo as his wife who joins him in trying to save Mallory. Although sweet and touching, it is quite slow.:-)O:-)

On Netflix and On Demand HBO:

Our Family Wedding - This is the first time I've used the On Demand feature of my cable company for a movie I missed on HBO. I have to say that I have liked America Fererra since she appeared in the title role of "Ugly Betty." This film is a lightweight one and has been done too often. Ferrera and Lance Gross, her black finace are faced with their two fathers who do not approve of this marriage due to the cultural difference which in this day and age doesn't make a lot of sense. The original Guess Who's Coming to Dinner was the gold standard and since that movie, all the others have been pale copies. I was surprised to see Forest Whitaker in the role of the African American father as he is too good of an actor, but I guess you take jobs as they come. With that said and since I did not have to use a netflix choice or pay additional for the movie, it was a pleasant way to spend 90 or so minutes.

With ugly weather this week on the east coast, a good time to take in some movies.


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