Monday, December 12, 2011

December 12

Yolanda, Carol Frank, Betty, and Florrie correctly identified "God, she's beautiful. She's got the prettiest eyes. She looks so sexy in that sweater. I just want to be alone with her and hold her and kiss her, tell her how much I love her, take care of her. Stop it you idiot, she's your wife's sister." coming from Hannah and Her Sisters.

Try this:

"The fact that you're not answering leads me to believe that A) You're not home. B) You're home but you don't want to take to me, or C) You're home, desperately want to talke to me, but you're trapped under something heavy. If it's either a or c, please give me a call."

At Theaters:

J. Edgar -
Although the critics gave this film a less than stellar rating, I enjoyed it very much. Leonardo DiCaprio did a fine job playing the lead character. The supporting actors were very good as well. The make up job on DeCaprio was outstanding, but for his right hand man, it was not very good unless this gentleman really did age so poorly. I learned a great deal, although I probably should check the facts with another source. The one complaint I had was the film jumped back and forth from his early years to the years just before he died. All in all, a good film.

Guest Reviewers - Sy, Amanda and Sarah

Jack and Jill -
Since I had to go out and the girls were staying with us, the decision was made to go to the movies. Amanda wanted to see The Muppet Movie, Sarah wanted to see New Year's Eve and Sy didn't care. Since we didn't want Sarah to be alone and Amanda didn't want to see her movie they settled for Jack and Jill. They were the only people in the theater and during the film Sy texted Sarah with the message: "This is the worse film I have every seen." The girls agreed with him. Although they said it was funny at times, they said it was stupid - this coming from a ten and thirteen year old, One wonders why Al Pacino took the role he did! Save your money, your Netflix pick and your time if it ever appears on TV! Don't see it. O:-)(would have given no smiles, but Amanda said it was somewhat funny.)

On Netflix:

The Next Three Days - This film starring Russell Crowe and Elizabeth Banks, although improbable, was quite engaging. Banks is arrested for a murder and Crowe, as her husband, plans a daring escape. The trial is not developed at all. The majority of the film deals with Crowe's plan. Sy thought it stole a lot from The Fugitive, but it kept our interest and kept up at the edge of our seats until the end.

Good Place to Visit:

National Gallery of Art:

For a lovely afternoon, take a ride into DC and visit the National Gallery of Art. Presently they have an Andy Warhol exhibit featuring his headline artwork. My friends and I latched on to a tour that we thought was for the general public. Little did we know that the women had bid on this private tour given my the museum's curator who actually put this show together. Further coincidence was the group was from Great Falls Elementary where I had taught. What a wonderful coincidence! We learned so much on the tour. This exhibit last until the beginning of January. Next we headed to West Wing to see a painting of Samuel Morse entitled "Gallery of the Louvre." Who knew he was a painter before he became inventor of the Morse Code. A very interesting piece. This exhibit is here until July 8. Lastly, we went back to the East Wing to see an exhibit by Mel Bochner. This artist uses synonyms for his paintings. It is something we ask all our students to do when we ask them to elaborate on their writing. For example his Unnameable is a list of words in a vivid colors. The title word is followed by nameless and anonymous and so on. I was fascinated with it. If you go, you won't be disappointed. This exhibit lasts until April 8.

On another note:

Once again I would like to apologize for the email sent out today. AOL said I probably opened something I should not have and the hackers were able to get into my address book. I certainly learned my lesson!

For those of you who will be celebrating Chanukah next week - Happy Chanukah; for those of you celebrating Christmas - Merry Christmas and for those of you who just aren't celebrating - Happy New Year. We will be Las Vegas next week, but hope to see some shows while we are there. Look for my reviews then.


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