Sunday, March 31, 2013

March 31

Betty correctly identified the following quote: "Do you know that place between being asleep and awake, where you still remember your dreams?  That's where I'll always love, that's where I'll always wait for you" coming from Hook, but I will give Carol Frank credit as she said Peter Pan.

Try this one:

"If you love someone... you say it, right then, out loud. Otherwise... the moment just passes you by."

On Netflix:

The Sessions - I was not sure I would like this film as I had a preconceived notion that is would simply be a sex film and nothing else, but I was mistaken.  Based on a true story, Helen Hunt plays a sex surrogate for Marc O'Brien a young man who wants to experience sex. He is confined to an iron lung due to the effects from polio and can be out of it for only a few hours at a time.  John Hawkes who plays O'Brien does a wonderful job portraying the soul of this young man.  He is intelligent and funny.  Hunt, who I haven't seen for a while, does a lovely job portraying the surrogate who become a bit too close to her client.  William H. Macy's role as O'Brien's priest, confidant and friend is priceless.  He should have been nominated for his role.  The best way for me to describe this film is hopeful.  You will laugh, cry and never really feel sorry for O'Brien.  The supporting cast is also quite good.  Put this on your list, you won't be sorry. 

Won't Back Down - This film is loosely based on the parent group from Sunland-Tujunga Los Angeles, California who tried to take over several failing schools in the district.  Due to their efforts, parents were given the opportunity to change administration and teachers at failing schools and if that didn't do the trick, charter schools could be formed. Maggie Gyllenhaal and Viola Davis play the two major principals in the film; one playing a disgruntled parent and the other a teacher at the school.  It does pull at your emotional heartstrings and puts the union in a horrible light.  Although I am not a person who believes in any kind of tenure, not sure the "bad" side was portrayed fairly.  An interesting tidbit I found out was that at the 2012 Republican and Democratic conventions, Michelle Rhee showed this film.  Also one of the producers was also a producer for the film Waiting for Superman.  Check it out and see what you think.  :-):-)

On Netflix and HBO:

Snow White and the Huntsman - Since Sy had either food poisoning or the stomach flu, our plans for the weekend were canceled and I found this film on HBO so decided to watch it.  As some of you know, I enjoy "Once Upon a Time" and I guess fairy tales are an interest.  This one stars Charlize Theron as the evil queen and it does have a different twist as to why she is as she is.  For the teenagers, Kristen Stewart stars as Snow White and Chris Hemsworth as the huntsman.  I enjoyed Bob Haskins as one of the dwarfs.  Did I like it, not sure?  Did it hold my interest, yes.  Not really for young children.  :-):-)


So no one got cut this week as Dorothy Hamil had to drop out on the advice of her doctor.  The two in the bottom - Victor Ortiz and Lisa Vanderpump deserved to be there.  I think Vanderpump should go.  Once again the women impressed with Zendaya (not sure of spelling), Kellie and Aly on the top of my leader board!

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