Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 1

Carol Frank, Florrie, Estelle, David, Kathy Luke and Betty correctly identified "...Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms-greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge-has marked the upward surge of mankind." coming from Wall Street (the original one)

Try this one (I am leaving out a key name as it will give the quote away):
"For God's sake, ***************, here we are, you got me into your house, you gave me a drink, you put on music, now you start opening up your personal life to me and tell me your husband won't be home for hours..."

In Theaters:

War Horse - This movie has Academy Award written all over it. It is an epic film that families can go to it without winching. It so well done. Do you think I liked it?? It was wonderful. The only human star that I knew from the film was Emily Watson. The young man, Jeremy Irvine, who trains Joey, the horse, is very good and believable as well as all the other characters Joey meets along his adventure. How this was done on stage is beyond me, but Spielberg did an outstanding job transforming it to the screen. There is a particularly touching scene where sides come together in helping Joey. (I am not giving anything away.) I know it will touch your heart as it did mine. For a wonderful two plus hours, see this film.

Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - This American version of the novel does a fine job retelling the story. If you read the book, they changed the ending. If you didn't read the book, it can be confusing at times. It is very long - over two and a half hours!! Having said that, it holds your interest throughout. Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig do a fine job in the lead roles. It was also nice to see Christopher Plummer in n important role. Although it has been a while since I saw the Swedish version, I think I would give that one the edge as it stayed truer to the book. If you haven't seen the Swedish one, you can see it on instant streaming on Netflix and decide for yourself. (Sy is watching it as I write this review.)

On Netflix:

Conviction - This is yet another film based on a true story. Hillary Swank stars as Betty Ann Waters the sister of a convicted murderer, Kenny Waters. played by Sam Rockwell I would want a sister like this in my corner. She believed in her brother's innocence and to prove him so, she finishes high school and then goes on to law school to defend him. Minnie Driver, Melissa Leo and Peter Gallagher co-star. If it wasn't a true story, I wouldn't believe it as she had to beat the odds to achieve this task. Whenever I see a film that deals with an innocent being wrongly accused, I rethink my views about capital punishment. A good story with a disturbing message about flaws in our legal system.

At the Kennedy Center in Washington on its way to New York:

Ann - Holland Taylor of "Two and a Half Men" created, wrote and stars in this one woman show based on the life of Texas Governor, Ann Richards. She does an amazing job! Although I don't know much about Richards so cannot verify its contents, Taylor does a wonderful job assuming not only the role, but taking on the persona of Richards. I believe the Post gave it a so so review and faulted it for lack of political drama, but both Sy and I enjoyed the portrayal of a woman who rose to the top in spite of numerous odds. I thought it would be 90 minutes with no intermission, but it goes for about two hours or so with an intermission. It is will in the DC area for a few more weeks and then, I believe, goes on to New York. We were able to get two for one tickets since, as an usher told me, the tickets are not selling as well as they hoped. Look for deals not only on sites like Goldstar, but the Kennedy Center's site as well. It is worth the price.

A friend of mine sent the following quotes to me that I wanted to share them with all my movie friends. Happy and Healthy New Year to you all!

“When in doubt, just take the next step; make peace with your past so it won’t mess up the present; don’t compare your life to others – you have no idea what their journey is all about; take a deep breath – it calms the mind; get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful; burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie – don’t save it for a special occasion – today is special; no one is in charge of your happiness but you; frame every so called disaster with these words – ‘In five years, will it matter?’; Forgive everyone; time heals ; believe in miracles – miracles are everywhere; all that truly matters in the end is that you loved; the best is yet to come; and life isn’t tied with a bow, but it is still a gift.”

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle." "Forgiveness is the grace by which you enable the other person to get up; and get up with dignity; and to begin anew." (Desmond Tuto)


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