Monday, January 30, 2012

January 30

Carol Frank, Florrie, Betty, Sandy Esterson and Yolanda correctly identified "Three thousand years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Sandy Koufax... " coming from The Big Lebowski

Try this one: (A bit obscure)

"Today you are the law. You are the law. Not some book. Not the lawyers. Not a marble statue, or the trappings of the court. See, those are just symbols of our desire to be just. They are, in fact, a prayer. A fervent and a frightened prayer."

On Netflix and Instant Play:

I am taking a class called "Not Quite Musicals." The films are not musicals per se, but have music as a dominant theme. The first offerings was:

Brassed Off -This film is a 1996 English production about the threatened closing of a coal mine in the town of Grimley. The one shining light in this town is the miners' band. It follows the typical formula of feel good movie, but is was nice to see a young Ewan McGregor in one of the starring roles. The music is lovely and actually played by this band. You won't be disappointed.

Reston Community Players:

Lend Me A Tenor - Is this play silly? Yes. Is it entertaining? Yes. Are the actors accomplished? Yes. Should you go see it? Sure. For a fun afternoon, I would recommend this play. Although it gets silly, especially in the second act, sometimes you just need to escape from the stresses of the day and just laugh. The one thing that struck me about this production was the quality of the actors. There was not one weak link in the cast. All of them had their timing down pat, which is crucial to this play and executed their lines well. I especially liked the main character Max. He was very talented and reminded me of Matthew Brodderick. It will be playing at Reston Community Center for another weekend. So....if you don't have plans, support this community production.

Student Performances:

As many of you know, my friend Bill produces school productions at his school, Woodlawn High School. This year the students performed Oklahoma. It is always a delight to see students do the things they love. The joy on each of the student's faces, no matter how big or small their role, is worth the price of admission. It is also a wonderful way to instill the love of the Broadway musical not only in the performers, but the other students who attend. This year's performance was great. The production was cleverly staged, the performers were well rehearsed with a shout out to the young men who portrayed Curley, Jud and Ali. Next time you are asked to attend one of these performances, do yourself a favor and support the arts in our schools and attend.

An Excellent Read:

Fall of Giants by Ken Follett - This is book one of the century trilogy. It very long, close to 1000 pages, but a page turner. Since it is historical fiction, the events are true, some characters real, but others are a compilation of many. The intertwining families include those from Wales, English, Germany, Russia and the United States. It is so fascinating how Follett uses the times of his novel to create a wonderful tale that is both educational and interesting. A great read.

Award Shows

Well this is award season and the Golden Globes and the SAG awards have been presented. I have seen most of the movies except The Artist and Iron Lady which I hope to see before the Academy Awards. Golden Globes chose both The Descendents and The Artist for best picture and SAG chose The Help so I guess the Academy Awards is still up in the air. I won't give my predictions until I see these other two movies, but am happy to see a good selection to choose from this year.

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