Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10

It has been a while since I last posted.  I am on a temporary job assignment and find it difficult to watching DVDs as I am catching up on TV programs I tape each night.  That being said:

Carol Frank, Betty, David and Kathy Luke correctly identified North by Northwest's working title as The Man on Lincoln's Nose.

Try this one:  "Striker:  Surely you can't be serious."
                     Rumack:  "I am serious....and don't call me Shirley."
In Theaters:

The Borrne Legacy - Sy is a fan of the Bourne series so we went to this latest installment.  Surprisingly it is very engaging.  Although totally unrealistic, it held my interest and was fun to watch.  Jeremy Renner plays the new super human spy.  I like that they have left the door open for Matt Damon to return as Jason Bourne as well.  It would be fun to see them both in a film.  Renner does a nice job with the role.  The only scene that made me actually laugh out loud was one of the chase scenes.  The audience applauded when Reston was displayed on the screen as a place in the movie.  For a fun movie, there is violence, but not too much, see this film. 

The Odd Life of Timothy Green
- I was busy at school so couldn't go to the movies with Sy, Sarah and Amanda so they are giving their opinion of the film.  I'll have to catch it on Netflix.  Sarah says;"It was a very touching family orientated story. "  Both Sarah and Amanda thought the actors were very good.  Amanda liked all the jokes in the movie.  Sy said that the film was more than just science fiction it was how the child effected the lives of those around him.  Sarah gives the film :-):-):-)O:-) Amanda and Sy give it a :-):-):-)

On Netflix:

Jane Eyre - This 2011 adaption was produced by the BBC and starred Mia Wasikowska as Jane, Michael Fassbender as Mr. Rochester and Judi Dench as the housekeeper.  All of you know the story which is timeless.  I found this adaption a bit slow, but beautifully filmed.  For a lovely film and to refresh your memory of the classic, put this film on your cue.  :-):-)

Wolftrap Concert:

Barry Manilow - As a Manilow fan from way back, it was such a pleasure to see his concert .  We were fortunate to have sixth row seats on the aisle and had a good view of the stage and him.  He sang all his hits closing with Copacabana and I Write the Songs.  Watching the audience members was as much fun.  Many people had glow sticks and it was a hoot looking at the audience swaying their sticks back and forth.  Manilow still looks good although he has had much work done.  He is very thin and with two hip replacements still moves quite well.  A real audience pleaser!

That's it for now.  Enjoy the beautiful weather here on the east coast.

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