Monday, December 24, 2012

December 24

Since I am home and there is nothing on TV, I had the opportunity to watch two films, see a show in DC and visit a lovely museum.  See my reviews below.  Tomorrow, Christmas, as most Jewish people do on Christmas, we go to the movies and out to eat.  We will be going to the movies with friends and then to a friend's home for dinner.  Look towards the end of the week to see what we saw.

Florrie, Yolanda, David, Carol F., Juli, Betty, Kathy, and Estelle correctly identified 
"Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary."   coming from Dead Poets Society.

Try this one:
"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it."

On Netflix:

This Means War - This very silly romantic comedy stars Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine (Capt. Kirk from the new Star Trek films) and Tom Hardy.  The two men work for the CIA and both are courting the Witherspoon character.  There are lots of car chases, shootings and enough silliness to cover many movies.  I was disappointed as it had such potential. 

On Netflix and Instant Streaming:

Margin Call - This very timely film about an investment bank in early 2008 would be confusing to me had I not had Sy as my consultant explaining exactly what this company did and how they solved their problem.  The all star cast is great starting with Kevin Spacey, Jeremy Irons, Zachary Quinto (Spock in the newer Star Trek), Penn Badgley and Simon Baker.  Mary McDonnell, Demi Moore and Stanley Tucci have supporting roles, but add greatly to the story.  It is talky, no action at all which was fine with me. (see above)  For a thought provoking film, stream or put this film in your queue.

At Signature Theater:

Holiday Follies - Saw this advertised on Goldstar and thought it would be a fun holiday performance and I was so right.  At first I thought that the performers would be singing traditional Christmas music which was fine with me as long as I don't have to listen to the tunes from Thanksgiving on.  I actually enjoy the music, but this show was different.  Except for just a few, the songs were ones I hadn't heard.  The performers were top rate with Betsy's son in law James Gardiner appearing in the cabaret.  They sang, performed and mugged throughout, but their wonderful voices were what made the show memorable.  The two accompanists were singers as well and their talents on the piano and guitar were excellent.  Too bad the show is over, but don't overlook offerings at the Signature.  I have never been disappointed!

Interesting Place to Visit:

National Women's Museum of the Arts - When my AAUW branch went a few weeks ago, I could not make it so took a ride into DC  to view their exhibition of Women in Rock and Roll.  It was an interesting exhibit starting in the 20's and extending to present day rock and roll female stars.  Costumes, memorabilia and video clips were included.  In addition, the fiber exhibit was of interest.  All items in the museum are done by women.  The admission is $10, $8 for seniors.  Since we went on a Sunday, we got a parking spot practically in front of the museum and there was no fee.  The building which was once the Masonic Temple, is gorgeous.  A treasure hidden in the shadows of the larger and more famous museums.

On this Christmas Eve, I wanted to wish all of my friends who celebrate Christmas a very Merry Christmas and to all a very Happy New Year!


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