Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 27

Carol and Juli correctly identified  "Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it." from The Lion King.

Try this one:
"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends." 

In Theaters

Silver Linings Playbook - We didn't want to buck the crowds on Christmas Day to see Les Miz, so decided on this film which did not disappoint.  Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence as the stars had great chemistry.  Although the story was by the books, the addition of mental illness added an interesting twist.  Robert De Niro was very good as the father with his own problems and Chris Tucker as a co-patient brought in comic relief. In this frenzy of football fever in the Washington DC area, there is an interesting side story involving the Eagles.  For a feel good film that has good acting, either see this film or wait for it on Netflix which should be soon.:-):-)O:-)

Les Miserables- Couldn't wait for the weekend and saw this film the day after Christmas.  I was not disappointed.  The film followed the show to the letter and in a sense that was my only criticism.  They could have made the movie grander, but kept it simpler.   I was happy to note that all the actors did a wonderful job with their roles.  Although Sy thought Russell Crow as Javert was miscast, I actually thought his performance was outstanding. His singing was more nuanced than others.  Eddie Redmayne as Marius has been singled out as wonderful, but I thought he was miscast.  His voice is beautiful, but I would have cast a more rugged actor in the role.  Sy pointed out they needed a high tenor to play this role so I am sure that played into the decision to cast him.  All the accolades that Anne Hathaway is getting is well earned.  Hugh Jackman is great as well.  I particularly liked the actress who played Epinone, Samantha Banks and the two young actors playing Cosette and the young boy in the blockade, Daniel Huttlestone and Isabel Allen. For a bit of levity Sasha Baron Cohen and Helena Bonham Carter as the innkeepers are a matched set and very amusing.  It was nice touch including Colm Wilkinson, the original Jean Valjean, in a cameo role.   You will shed a tear and at least hum along while you spend a little less than three hours viewing this a epic tale.  A sure Oscar nominee for the film and many of the actors.  :-):-):-)O:-)

On Netflix:

Hope Springs - We missed this film in the theaters and were anxious to see it when it came on to Netfflix; but we were disappointed.  The movie dealt with an older couple who had intimacy problems.  Although it was funny at times and did hit the nail on the head in some instances, one scene where they both became angry and almost threw the towel in didn't make sense to both Sy and me.  Perhaps we both missed something.  On the plus side, it is always nice to see Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones in a film, but I felt their talents were wasted on this lightweight film.  Steve Carell played a straight role as the marriage counselor.  :-)O:-)

Thoughts about Lincoln:

Some of you may wonder why we haven't seen Lincoln yet.  Actually Sy saw it Thanksgiving weekend with the "guys" plus Erin so I am waiting until it comes out on Netflix which will be quite some time.  Sy did say that Daniel Day Lewis deserves the Academy Award for his portrayal of Lincoln and Tommy Lee Jones was outstanding.  Another friend thought Sally Fields was wonderful.  The historians in my family were upset with some of the inaccuracies in the film.  I guess you will have to go yourselves to make up your mind.  I'll be happy to print anyone's opinions and give you credit if you'd like.

Once again, Happy New Year to you all.

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