Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October 31

Betty, Carol, Estelle, Suzanne, Jen, Ursula and Eric correctly identified   "Everything will be all right in the end... if it's not all right then it's not the end." coming from the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.
Try this from one of my all time favorite movies:

"My mother thanks you. My father thanks you. My sister thanks you. And I thank you."

At George Mason University:

"Into The Woods" - This production performed by the Center for the Arts Department of Theater and School of Music rivaled any Broadway revival.  The students for the most part had wonderful voices and acted with poise beyond their years.  The actors playing the Witch, Baker's Wife, Cinderella, Prince Charming and Baker were outstanding.  The scenery design was well crafted and the production was done with flair.  The show which debuted in San Diego in 1986 and went on to Broadway with Bernadette Peters as the Witch and Joanna Gleason as the Baker's Wife did not win the Tony for best musical that year as it was against Phantom of the Opera.  The lyrics by Stephen Sondheim are intricate and melodies aren't ones that you come out humming, but I must admit even though I am usually not a Sondheim fan, I did enjoy the show.  It is not a show for children as the second act is very dark.  I did read that a children's version is done that leaves out the second act entirely.  The show runs for over three hours.  I am now interested in seeing the DVD version.  Once again, don't overlook regional productions done by local colleges; these young people are the stars of the future.

On Netflix:

Peace, Love and Misunderstanding - This indie film stars Jane Fonda and Catherine Keener.  It is a relationship story of mother and daughter.  There are love stories as well between involving the daughter and her children.  Although it was fine, it was not fully developed and wasted the talent of these two accomplished actresses. 
On Netflix and Instant Streaming

Monsieur Lazhar - This French indie film tells the story of an Algerian immigrant who takes  the job as an elementary school teacher.  I won't give any more than that so as not to give anything away.  It is a lovely story of caring and healing.  Since I was stuck in the house due to Sandy, it passed time in a pleasurable way.  

We Have a  Pope - I am not sure if this is a comedy or drama so I'll call it a dramady.  This Italian film tells the story of a cardinal who is elected pope, but doesn't want the job.  Some of the scenes, especially with the other cardinals, are quite funny.  Since I am not Catholic, I wonder how this film is viewed by those of the faith.  I found it good, not great, but good. 


Once again the judges are rigging the results.  Kirstie Alley is not in the same league as the other contestants, but they continue to give her better scores.  Giving her the extra two points for the group dance, was just not right.  I was sorry to see Sabrina go.

The pickings at the movies are slim in my opinion.  Hope with the holidays around the corner, some good films will be in our local theaters.


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