Thursday, February 14, 2013

February 14

Carol Frank, Florrie and Yolanda correctly identified "Sometimes I wish I had never met you. Because then I could go to sleep at night not knowing there was someone like you out there." coming from Good Will Hunting. 

Try this one:

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

On Netflix:

21 Jump Street - Do yourself a favor and do not, I repeat,  do not see this film.  I thought it would be a good way to relive the TV program and I like the two stars in it -  Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum.  I
t turned out to be crude, lewd and rude.  The story juvenile, gags gross and just plain stupid.  The target audience is for individuals with limited taste.  I can't even give it any stars!!

On Netflix and Instant Streaming:

Vanity Fair - As I mentioned earlier, I am taking a class about this novel.  We have been reading it and seeing clips of this film and the BBC version. Since I was strapped for time and there was no way I would finish the book by the next class, I sat down and watch the film.  It is quite good, but not as good as the novel.  Reese Witherspoon does a wonderful job as the sneaky Becky Thacker.  The other actors are quite good as well although I think the actor who plays George is miscast.  I do intend to read the rest of the novel over the next few weeks.  Lots of scenes and characters were left out of the film which was disappointing, but then the film would have run more than three hours.  For a lovely adaptation of a novel, see this film.  :-):-)

1st Stage in Tysons

I had heard about this venue, but never thought to go until Goldstar had a deal I couldn't refuse.  For $33 including service fee, Sy and I saw Italian American Reconciliation a play written by John Patrick Shanley who wrote Moonstruck and Doubt.  There was an 18 year gap between these two productions.  This play was performed beautifully by a fine troupe of actors.  The story had many themes from Moonstruck. It is a dramady about an Italian man divorced from his abusive wife who decides he cannot live without her and tries to win her back with the aid of his lifelong friend.   This play was first performed in 1988 a year after Moonstruck.  All that being said, it is worthwhile to make your way to this out of the way strip mall to see the production.  It will be there until February 24.

Once again the pickings are slim at the theaters, but still want to see Quartet.


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