Sunday, July 1, 2012

July 1

Carol Frank and Florrie were correct in identifying  “A real woman could stop you from drinking.” “It’d have to be a real BIG woman.”coming from Arthur.

Try this one:
"One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know."

In Theaters:

People Like Us - This is a lovely feel good movie starring Chris Pine, Elizabeth Banks, Olivia Wilde and Michelle Pfeiffer.   There is great chemistry between Pine and Banks.  In fact, Sy thought they should make another movie together where there is more of a romantic theme.  If you haven't seen the trailers, I don't want to give away too much of the plot just to say it is about finding family.  Once again the young actor playing Bank's son, Michael Hall D'Addario, is great.  You might shed a few tears, but will feel good with the film's end.  A great way to get out of the oppressive heat we are experiencing here on the east coast. 

This is the second film from my Gene Kelly class:

On Netflix:

The Pirate - This 1948 film stars Kelly with Judy Garland.  Whenever I see Garland in a film her acting is just a copy of how she was in The Wizard of Oz not sure why she became such a big star.  That being said, this is another silly story about a traveling troubadour who ends up with his group  on a Caribbean Island and promptly falls in love with Manuela the Garland character. She is engaged to the town mayor and mayhem occurs due to mistaken identity.  It is very dated!!  The actors don't even attempt a bad accent and they are supposed to be of Spanish descent.  It is striking how minorities are treated in films of that era.  The only song I knew was "Be a Clown."  The lyrics by Cole Porter are intricate as Porter's songs always are.  For a stroll down memory lane, you can see this film.

Amen. - I am taking another OLLI class on the Holocaust and Faith.  This week the instructor showed this 2002 release that is based on the play "The Representative".  He showed it so that we could get a sense of what the Vatican and other countries knew about the Nazi's solution to the Jewish problem and what they did or more precisely didn't do.  
The central character is Kurt Gerstein a Waffe-SS officer employed in the SS Hygiene Institute, designing programs for the purification of water and the destruction of vermin. He is shocked to learn that the process he has developed to eradicate typhus, by using a hydorgen cyanide mixture called Zyklon B, is now being used for killing Jews in extermination camps.  The only person moved to act is Riccardo Fontana a young Jesuit priest.  The Gerstein character is historical, but the young priest and plot are fictional.  Gerstein hung himself in prison, but twenty years later he was vindicated.  An excellent film.  :-):-)O:-)

New on HBO:

The Newsroom - Although the critics gave this a lukewarm review, both Sy and I found it quite good.  Jeff Daniels stars as the head anchor of a news program.  He is surrounded by some very good actors whose names I do not know except Sam Waterson playing the head honcho.  In future episodes, Jane Fonda will appear as the owner.  Check it out for yourself to see if you like it as much as I do.  It is on at 10:00 Sundays, but repeated throughout the week.

Hope most of you now have your power back and are in cool quarters.


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